Below you will find an international and multilingual array of websites, blogs, and podcasts related to China-Africa topics.

Websites and Blogs

The following list is a snapshot of some of the most informative websites and blogs that cover Africa-China topics.

  • Africa is a Country
    Founded by Sean Jacobs in 2009, Africa is a Country publishes opinion, analysis, and news writing on a wide variety of topics related to Africa. The site contains a number of articles on China-Africa relations.

  • Africa at LSE
    From the London School of Economics, this collection of expert analysis on African affairs aims to "place the continent at the heart of global debates" and contains several articles on China-Africa relations.

  • Africans in China
    Administered by Dr. Roberto Castillo of Lingnan University, this website contains a wealth of information on Africans in China (with a particular focus on Guangzhou), and aims to serve as an open-access archive for scholars and journalists doing research on anything related to the African presence in China.

  • Afrobarometer
    Afrobarometer describes itself as a "non-partisan, pan-African research institution conducting public attitude surveys on democracy, governance, the economy and society in 30+ countries repeated on a regular cycle," and several of their surveys pertain to contemporary China-Africa relations.

  • Afro-Asian Networks
    Initially founded through a collaboration between the University of Bristol and the University of Leiden, this global and transnational history research network has produced collaborative journal articles, blog entries, and data visualization projects related to Afro-Asian connections in the twentieth century.

  • Black Livity
    Black Livity aims to document "African and Afro-diasporic experiences in China and in relation to China for the benefit of our global community," and includes articles on a wide variety of China-Africa topics by African and Caribbean authors who have lived or are currently living in China.

  • Black China Caucus
    The Black China Caucus "strives to enhance the presence and participation of all self-identifying Black professionals specializing in any aspect that furthers the holistic understanding of China." The website contains a directory of Black experts on China, as well as curated reading lists, blog posts, and opinion pieces, many of which relate to China-Africa topics.

  • China in Africa: The Real Story
    With many posts authored by Dr. Deborah Brautigam, the official blog of the China Africa Research Initiative (CARI) at Johns Hopkins University contains posts on a wide assortment of China-Africa topics dating back to 2010.

  • Centre for Chinese Studies, Stellenbosch University: Publications
    The Centre for Chinese Studies at Stellenbosch University in South Africa produces a wide variety of regular publications, many of which feature articles on China-Africa relations.

  • The China Story
    Funded by the Australian government, the China Story Project is managed by the Australian Centre on China in the World at the College of Asia and the Pacific, Australian National University (ANU). The China Story Blog contains several posts on China-Africa relations.

  • ChinAfrica/ChinAfrique
    Produced by Chinese state media and a subset of the weekly foreign-language magazine Beijing Review (previously Peking Review), this website features Chinese reporting on a wide variety of China-Africa topics. In English, French, and Mandarin Chinese.

  • The China Africa Advisory
    The China Africa Advisory is "an independent Africa and China-focused advisory firm that assists governments, international organizations and businesses to realize sustainable development in African countries." While their blog is no longer updated, the Twitter account provides an excellent regular news digest of all things China-Africa.

  • China Digital Times
    China Digital Times is a bilingual news covering a wide variety of topics focusing on news items that have been suppressed by China's state censors. Check out the "Africa" tag with over 250 blog posts about China-Africa relations, from 2004 to the present

  • Development Reimagined
    Development Reimagined describes themselves as "a diverse and multilingual team of consultants with expertise in the fields of international development, diplomacy, environment and public relations, across all regions of the world." This analysis series contains several blog posts on China-Africa relations.

  • From Africa to China
    Founded in 2015 by four African women when they were studying at Peking University as Yenching scholars, this storytelling platform on China-Africa engagement no longer publishes new material but remains a valuable archive.

  • Le Projet Afrique Chine
    This is the French-language edition of the China-Africa Project website and blog (see below under "Podcasts" for the English edition). It contains free and paid news analysis on all things Africa-China, with a subscription option. 

  • The Official Blog of Amb. David H. Shinn
    A former US ambassador to Ethiopia and Burkina Faso, Ambassador David Shinn maintains an active blog devoted to China-Africa relations. See his blog for a link to his well-maintained and ever-growing bibliography of all things China-Africa.

  • South African Institute of International Affairs — China and Africa Research
    The South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) describes itself as "an independent public policy think tank advancing a well governed, peaceful, economically sustainable and globally engaged Africa." SAIIA maintains a dedicated China-Africa "theme" and regularly publishes analyses on the topic.

  • Wilson Center Digital Archive, China and Africa Collection
    This open-access digitized, curated archival collection from the Wilson Center's "International History Declassified" project contains fifty-one translated and contextualized documents on China-Africa relations during the Cold War, primarily from the PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs archives.

  • Wits Africa-China Reporting Project
    Funded by the Ford Foundation, the Africa-China Reporting project is hosted by the Journalism Department of the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, and aims to "improve the quality of reporting on Africa-China issues by providing facilitation and capacity building for journalists via reporting grants, workshops and other opportunities." Their website contains a wealth of timely reporting on all things China-Africa, written primarily by African, Africa-based journalists.


The following podcasts in English, French, and Mandarin Chinese each cover China-Africa topics, and most also have accompanying websites and blogs that members will find useful.

  • AfrikChine
    From the China-Africa Project team (see below), this bi-weekly French-language podcast covers all dimensions of the Chinese presence in Africa. In French.

  • The Belt and Road Podcast
    This podcast from Erik Myxter-lino and Juliet Lu aims to feature "the latest news, research and analysis of China's growing presence in the developing world" and contains several episodes on Africa. In English.

  • China Global South Project
    Founded in 2010 by journalist Eric Olander and media scholar Cobus van Staden, this weekly podcast covers a diverse variety of China-Africa topics and includes interviews with a wide range of journalists, academics, and practitioners (including several CA/AC members). In English. While the podcast is free, paid subscribers to the website receive a daily news digest, and access to both a China-Africa experts network and the full archive of news analysis and articles. See their YouTube channel for regular postings of the podcast audio.

  • Cowries and Rice
    Although no longer active, this China-Africa podcast by Winslow Robertson ran for 79 episodes and features interviews with many CA/AC members. In English. His blog also contains valuable China-Africa commentary and analysis.

  • NüVoices
    Featuring women and minority China experts, this bi-monthly podcast series includes several episodes on China-Africa relations, Chinese in Africa and Africans in China, and race and racism in China. In English. The website also includes a directory of more than 600 women experts on Greater China, as well as a magazine.

  • 时差 in-betweennes‪s‬
    Billing itself as "a podcast for young(ish) Sinophone scholars talking stuff," this podcast includes an episode on "everyday Sino-African relations" and on race and racism in China. In Mandarin Chinese.

  • 学非所用AfricaLounge
    A Mandarin-language podcast available on several platforms that features Chinese scholars sharing their research experience in Africa.