Below you will find a chronological list of upcoming and recent events related to China-Africa relations, international relations, development, and area studies, as well as events hosted by our Local Network Chapters. This list is updated regularly.

China-Africa Events

University of Florida Center for African Studies, China–Africa Working Group, "Focus on: Cybersecurity" February 6th, 2025.

Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Global China Local Cultures Lecture Series, “Dharma and Difference in Dar es Salaam: An Ethnography of the First Chinese Buddhist Mission in Tanzania" January 16th, 2025.

The Ohio State University, “New Perspectives on China and Africa,” November 15th, 2024.

University of Cambridge, “Frontiers of Faith: Religion in the China-Africa Space" seminar series. The first seminar, by Xuefei Shi, is on October 17th, 2024. It will be followed by Hangwei Li (November 7th, 2024), Heidi Haugen (November 21st, 2024), and Qiu Yu (December 5th, 2024). 

City University of Hong Kong, “Junnan Mu: Becoming Smart: Hustlers and the Politics of the Body in the African Silicon Savannah," October 22nd, 2024.

King’s College London, “China’s model of Special Economic Zones: does it work for Africa?” October 17th, 2024. 

Georgetown China-Africa Initiative, “The Latecomer’s Rise: A Book Talk by Muyang Chen,” October 11th, 2024. 

ERC China Africa Fashion Power X ASCA Global Africa Research Group “Fashion, Beauty & Creativity Unbound: China, Africa and the Multiple Souths” International Workshop, September 26th, 2024.

Georgetown Africa-China Initiative, “China in Africa, Environmental Governance and Civil Society: The Case of Kua Forest in Burkina Faso,” September 25th, 2024. 

Institute for Global Dialogue associated with UNISA, in collaboration with the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Pretoria, the Institute for Pan African Thought and Conversation at the University of Johannesburg, the Association of China-Africa Small-holder Agriculture, and Fudan University, “FOCAC at 24 - China Africa Relations in the New Era” September 19th, 2024.

Rencontre avec Xavier Aurégan et Thierry Pairault : table ronde sur la Chine en Afrique, Librairie Le Phénix. September 6th, 2024. 

Séminaire « Présences chinoises » La Chine et le Mercosur Lincoln Bizzozero Revelez (avec la participation de Sophie Wintgens). May 22nd, 2024. 

Georgetown Africa-China Initiative Spring Symposium 2024: “Connections and Flows, Past and Present.” April 30th, 2024.

Georgetown Africa-China Initiative, “Emergence of a New Developmentalism: Development Learning in China-Africa Interaction." April 16th, 2024. 

Georgetown Africa-China Initiative, “Kenya’s and Zambia’s Relations with China, 1949-2019, a Book Talk by Jodie Sun.” April 5th, 2024. 

Georgetown Africa-China Initiative, “Playing Both Sides or Being Played? Africa in China-U.S. Tech Wars.” March 21st, 2024. 

University of Edinburgh, “A comparative analysis of labour outcomes in Chinese firms in manufacturing and construction in Angola and Ethiopia.” March 20th, 2024.

Séminaire « Présences chinoises », L’influence de la Chine en 2024 : une ambiguïté persistante, Olivier Arifon. March 13th, 2024.

Séminaire «Présences chinoises», Orpaillage et présences chinoises avec Simon Menet et Robin Petit-Roulet. February 7th, 2024.

Georgetown Africa-China Initiative, “Money for Mayhem: Mercenaries, Private Military Companies, Drones, and the Future of War.” February 2nd, 2024.

Séminaire « Présences chinoises », Déconstruire la cartographie des relations sino-africaines : Le cas des ports. January 24th, 2024. 

Local Network Chapter Events

CA/AC Local Network UK Chapter, Made in Ethiopia screening with panel and director Q&A, February 12th, 2025.

China-Uganda Research Network, “Dreaming with BRICS? Uganda's pathway” January 14th, 2025. 

China-Uganda Research Network, “Global China and International Development: Perspectives from Sub-Saharan Africa” by Associate Professor Robert Wyrod, November 1st, 2024. 

China-Uganda Research Network, “Unpacking the 9th FOCAC: the Future of China-Africa Cooperation” September 30th, 2024.

SAC-CERDIA-RECAF (CA/AC Yaoundé Local Network Chapter), “La recherche sur la Chine en Afrique aujourd’hui : regard critique et perspectives pour le développement, entretien avec François Wassouni” September 20th, 2024.

CA/AC Local Network UK Chapter, “FOCAC 2024 and the future of China-Africa relations” September 10th, 2024.

SAC-CERDIA-RECAF (CA/AC Yaoundé Local Network Chapter), Rencontre d’Experts Chine-Afrique centrale, première édition, sur le thème « Etat des lieux des études et recherches sino-africaines en Afrique centrale » 31 juillet 2024.

Nigeria Africa-China Research Group (NiACReG), Conference on Africa-China relations, May 7th-8th, 2024.

Italian Association of Africa-China Studies (AISAC), “Africa and China: Actors, Methods, and Geopolitics in the Everyday” April 12th, 2024.

Italian Association of Africa-China Studies (AISAC), "Shenzhen africane? La presenza cinese nello sviluppo di zone economiche speciali in Africa" March 29th, 2024.

CA/AC UK Local Network Chapter, online book discussion on "The Railpolitik: Leadership and Agency in Sino-African Infrastructure" January 30th, 2024. 

Italian Association of Africa-China Studies (AISAC), "China-Africa Relations in the ‘New Era'" October 16th, 2023.

SAC-CERDIA-RECAF (CA/AC Yaoundé Local Network Chapter), Atelier scientifique « Rédiger et publier un article en sciences sociales et humaines » September 30th, 2023. 

Italian Association of Africa-China Studies (AISAC), "China, Europe, and the Changing Global Order" June 22nd, 2023. 

SAC-CERDIA-RECAF (CA/AC Yaoundé Local Network Chapter) Conférence-Débat : « La Chine vue des peuples d’Afrique centrale francophone : regards croisés » June 14th, 2023.

CASIN (Shanghai CA/AC Local Network Chapter), “Encounter with Urban Lifestyle in Africa” June 10th, 2023. 

Italian Association of Africa-China Studies (AISAC), "Perchè è importante parlare di relazioni Africa-Cina" May 25th, 2023. 

CASIN (Shanghai CA/AC Local Network Chapter), "Crossing Oceans and Breaking Ice/中非文化沙龙" March 25th, 2023. 

Related Events

REDEFINE Conference, “Research Global China: Innovation and Challenges” February 25th-26th, 2025. 

Institute for Policy Studies, “U.S.-China Competition over Rare Earths,” January 22nd, 2025.

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “Understanding China’s Strategic Path to Great Power Status,” October 23rd, 2024. 

University of Oxford, “Africans and War in Vietnam: Global Protest, Liberation Protest, and Transnational Soldiers,” June 26th-27th, 2024. 

Berkeley Center for African Studies, WARA West Coast Regional Conference, June 10th-11th, 2024. 

India-China Institute, “China in International Development: Instruments, Finance, and Infrastructures” Online Seminar Series. April 25th-May 2nd, 2024. 

Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, “Global South, Geopolitics, and U.S, Europe, and China’s Competition to Influence Global AI Regulation” April 17th, 2024.

University of Victoria, “The Landscape Here is Beyond Compare? Black Left Feminists and the Race/Class Problematic in Mao’s China” March 12th, 2024. 

Howard University, “African Agency and Global Powers” February 26th, 2024. 

University of California, Irvine, Multi-part series “Researching China in a New Era," beginning January 16th, 2024.