The CA/AC Research Network Listserv or "Google Group" is a virtual platform for individuals who are interested in China-Africa relations. The Google Group is not moderated; this means that everyone who joins is welcome to post comments or queries directly to our current membership (over 1,000 members). Most members are academics, but we also have practitioners from development, environment, security, and media. You can select your notifications options — most members receive emails with all new posts. We use the listserv to share information about new publications; calls for papers for both publications and conferences; jobs; and fellowships. You can use the listserv to communicate with the other members, whether it is to ask questions, share information, or engage in dialogue. Our purpose is to provide a space that is filled with lively, informed, and intelligent discussions of up-to-the-moment developments as well as more thoughtful theoretical or analytical questions. We hope to do this in an inclusive, respectful, and safe way. To help facilitate this, upon joining the listserv members agree to follow a set of community guidelines.
Before signing up, please carefully review the Participation Guidelines here.