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Caitlin Barker

Caitlin Barker


Caitlin Barker is currently a Brady-Johnson Predoctoral Fellow at Yale University's Jackson School of Global Affairs, and a PhD candidate in History at Michigan State University. She is trained in modern African and Chinese history, and her dissertation is a diplomatic history from below of Cameroon’s relationship with China and Taiwan during the Cold War. Caitlin’s research has been supported by a Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad fellowship and an International Dissertation Research Fellowship from the Social Science Research Council, among other grants. She currently serves as a book review editor for H-Africa. Her writing has appeared in Cold War History, the Journal of West African HistoryConnections: A Journal for Historians and Area Specialists, and H-Net Reviews. Caitlin received her BA in political science from Kenyon College.
